August is Art month in Mt. Pleasant, MI with Art Walk Central taking over. During another year of paintings, photographs, and sculptures created by artists from all over the country, visitors of Mt. Pleasant will be wrapped in the beauty of what art means. Visitors can not only view the pieces through out various venues in Mt. Pleasant, but they can attend the many events happening all through the month of August.
Events for Art Walk Central include Chalk Workshops, where attendees can learn how to create their favorite pictures with chalk. There are community activities which include painting intersections in downtown Mt. Pleasant as well as the crosswalks. Artist Talks are hosted at each venue where artists can talk about their pieces they entered in the competition and answer questions by spectators. 

This year marks the 3rd summer of Art Walk Central in Mt. Pleasant. Many new artistic elements have been introduced to the program including pianos placed throughout the streets of downtown open to the public to play.

Another new event introduced this year is the Anishinabe Art, Culture and Food event hosted in Town center on August 18th. In addition to new events Art Reach of Mid Michigan has also extended the number of Artist talks available. They have even partnered up with the Max & Emily’s Summer Concert Series to present art and culture events before each concert in August.

Art Walk Centralis getting bigger and better every year. “I’m pleased to report we have 130 artists participating in the art competition this year and we have 32 art and cultural events happening in the month of August,” said Kathy Hill, Executive Director of Art Reach of Mid Michigan, “This has been a terrific success so far!” So head to downtown Mt. Pleasant and celebrate the arts with Art Walk Central.
Click here for more information on Art Walk Central